2021 Sigma Beta Club 502 Sign Ups

Greetings to all!

Once again, Epsilon Beta Sigma of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is conducting its’ youth mentor group Sigma Beta Club. If you have a young male from ages 8-18 we would love to mentor them. For the last seven years, we have been mentoring young men in the Louisville area. We have conducted workshops to help young men tie ties, taught dining etiquette, exposed them to college life and educational workshops. Exposed them to financial literacy workshops and also how to earn their own money by working concession stands at University of KY football games. Have conducted fun activities with them by showing them how to fish and then how to share in community-related service by feeding the homeless and participating in walks with the Men of Phi Beta Sigma for the March for Babies. These are just some of the limited activities of the past. Like everyone else, we shared with them safety protocols on how to stay safe during Covid and held Mental Health workshops on dealing with the pandemic. As you see we stay busy and do relevant things to help the young men be exposed to positive things that will help them in life.

This year our meetings will be virtually held until the Covid Deviant numbers decrease. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month from 11 am to 1 pm. We have three clusters for the young men Elementary, Middle, and High School.

If you would like your young man to join the Sigma Beta Club of Louisville here is the breakdown.

A. First Time Youth Cost is $150
Included in the fee they will receive a Sigma Beta handbook, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a certificate, a royal blue bow tie, and their membership fee for Sigma Beta.

B. Returning Sigma Betas cost is $25
They receive a new t-shirt and sweatshirt.

Attached to this email is the application and parent consent form that needs to be filled out and turned in to us by September 11, 2021. We have to have one of the forms notarized and we have a Notary who is willing to sign it for free. We will have two locations that you can meet us at to turn in your application and get the form notarized. Please reply back to this email to let us know if you are interested in this service and we will inform you of the locations then. We look forward to working with your young man. Once again if you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to us by sending us an email and we will get back to you!

Nathan Beckham, Sr. Sigma Beta Club Director

Nathan J. Beckham, Sr.

Resource Teacher
Minor Daniels Academy
1960 Bashford Manor Lane
Louisville, KY 40218